You’re Crackers to Someone’s Soup

(a message originally sent STBB Email Audience)

By Drew Hudgins • Published Wed Apr 12 2017 (originally sent to the STBB email audience)

You’ll Read This and Like It Because…

  • It will turn your brain onto food. Not a bad thing
  • You’ll learn a new way to think about your offering that’s been right under your nose
  • You’ll get a few scenarios about how easy this thought-exercise is to do
I’m not trying to brag here… …but I’ve probably tried at least… mmmmm let’s say 10—maybe even a dozen—different versions of potato soup. I know whatchyer thinking: “Where does Drew run into his luck?” I wish I knew. Anyway, out of all those types, I like my wife’s best (her soup-evolution accounts for at least 4 variations). So yesterday. Lunch time. Imagine my delight when I found a container in the ‘fridge with a single serving of left-over potato soup! What makes this so goooood? The first ingredient? Probably potatoes. The second? Probably butter. I heated my soup, started spooning in, and it occurred to me: “Crackers, right now, would make this day perfect.” I wasted no time; I launched my Search for the Saltines mission. It was a bust. The only thing we had stocked were Goldfish. I ate my soup. I ate it with crunchy Goldfish Crackers. Not my first cracker preference, but here I am, alive to tell the story. Today’s Lesson no. 1: “When I eat potato soup, I want crackers. Now.” [I hear ya: “Drew. Where’s this going?”] Patience, my eager Padawan. First, answer this question (Lesson 2): “If my product/service is crackers, what is my customers’/clients’ potato soup?” Here’s a scenario: A young couple buys a first home (soup). It’s only a matter of time before they get new carpet (crackers), get a dog (crackers) (replace that carpet (more crackers)) and insurance (crackers). Let’s do another: A dad just picked up some Hot Wheels matchbox cars (soup) and now he’s buying a speed track (crackers) and a travel carrying case (crackers). A lot of people drain their energy and budget trying to wave everyone down, offering them their crackers. Meanwhile, people are like, “I’m not in the mood for your crackers right now. I’m ignoring you.” They don’t tell you the next time they’ll be parked in front of a bowl of potato soup. That’s on you and me to figure out. If I can live out the rest of my days the way I really want, I’d never eat soup again without crackers. You provide crackers. So where do you need to be in order for your soup-people to find you? What are you going to say? How are you going to it? This is all going to be covered in muuuuuuuch more detail in a new membership I’ll be launching. You’ll be getting a heads up

It’s Your Turn!

Tell us: Who’s offering soup?  And how do your crackers make it better? Leave it in the comments! 8 Reasons to Subscribe to STBB Email

Props Box

(the box where I give props) Props goes out to my wife who is a great cook. I wouldn’t be enjoying leftover soup and been inspired to write this if it wasn’t for her.